Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022): Human Rights, History and their Confluences: Dilemmas, actions and possibilities
It is with great satisfaction that we present the Dossier “Human Rights, History and Confluences: dilemmas, actions and possibilities”. This volume of Mnemosine brings together an important international dialogue on the subject of Human Rights, coordinated by professors Dinaldo Barbosa da Silva Júnior and Cristina Rumbo Bonfil.
The texts offer readers a rich epistemological debate on human rights, presenting research results and experiences from different countries, which portray the challenges for building a democratic society with rights. It remains clear that although countries present a legal framework in line with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international legal frameworks, which, in theory, would guarantee respect for these, the examples cited demonstrate different forms of their violation and denial.
This volume attests to the need for a permanent struggle for rights, which necessarily involves building a culture of rights, as inspired by Maria Victoria Benevides, who states that education in Human Rights is essentially “the formation of a culture of respect for human dignity”. through the promotion and living of the values of freedom, justice, equality, solidarity, cooperation, tolerance and peace. Therefore, the formation of this culture means creating, influencing, sharing and consolidating mentalities, customs, attitudes, habits and behaviors that derive, all, from those aforementioned essential values – which must be transformed into practices.”
Indeed, the Dossier points to important challenges to be overcome and the need for a collective and daily cultural construction for rights in different social fields, considering the needs and specificities of each country.
Drª Fabrícia Montenegro- Universidade Federal da Paraíba