Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021): Marxism, a white man thing? Dialogues and confrontations between class, gender and race in the Marxist tradition
The Marxism dossier, a white man thing? Dialogues and confrontations between class, gender and race in the Marxist tradition that we present to Revista Mnemosine was planned within the scope of the Marxism and Culture Research Group, created in 2017 by its coordinator, Prof. doctor Maurício Cardoso (DH/FFLCH/USP), in partnership with a variety of researchers from different regions of Brazil, white and black cis men, black and white cis women, LGBTQIAP+ people, Marxist intellectuals or not, affected and concerned about the contemporary social and, in particular, historiographical debates around issues of race, class and gender. Engaged in reflections about the decoloniality of knowledge, epistemicide, the need to question and transform the academic-university structure that, historically, prioritizes the reading of texts written by white men, mostly of European origin, the dossier was designed in collectively in order to materialize anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-capitalist ideas and reflections that were being disseminated within the research group.