
  • Women in science, teaching careers and spaces of power
    Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023)
    This thematic Dossier: Women in science, teaching careers and spaces of power, was proposed by
    me, researcher Dr. Maria do Rosário de F. Andrade Leitão (UFRPE) and researcher Dr. Fábio
    Ronaldo da Silva (UNEB). Our convergence of interests in research on gender motivated us to
    undertake this initiative, aiming to contribute significantly to reflections on gender
    relations. The choice to focus on analyzes related to the experiences of women in science and
    in teaching careers and spaces of power was motivated by the purpose of deepening our
    understanding of the practices that hinder access to the most prestigious spaces of power for
    women in scientific institutions. and universities. As we summarized in the call for this Dossier, the current configuration of power struggles,
    both in Brazil and globally, is marked by the presence and political activism of far-right
    groups, organizations and leaders. These agents have employed a variety of strategies to
    impose a “moral and customary agenda” to the public debate. One of the issues raised by the
    aforementioned “customs agenda” of the extreme right is the issue of gender. The direct clash
    against feminist movements, discussions about gender and sexuality have had repercussions
    that represent a substantial threat to the historical advances of women, having tangible
    impacts on the increase in various forms of violence perpetrated against them, but mainly on
    the resurgence of feminicide. May the reflections shared here by researchers bring us more knowledge and plurality to this
    debate, which is as necessary as it is current.
  • History, Education in the Struggles of Traditional Peoples and Communities
    Vol. 13 No. 2 (2022)

    This dossier presents a repertoire of articles that deal with traditional peoples and communities, their knowledge and practices, and point out the formative and educational dimension of their social and cultural practices. Historically, these communities and peoples were socially excluded, but based on their collective actions, their struggles in movements, they sought ways for their social (re)existence and the political affirmation of their propositions. The genuine gift is the pleasure of feeling the emotion of being, his writings, loaded with belonging to those who write, feel, experience, practice. We feel, in each line, in each writing, the gift of the word, the word that runs through the body, the smell, the skin that bears the mark of oneself and the other.
    It is with satisfaction that we present another edition of the Mnemosine magazine that presents in its itinerary of texts representations around quilombo communities, terreiro communities, gypsy peoples and louceiras based on studies and research that seek to problematize the experiences lived by these ethnic groups and their trajectories.

  • Human Rights, History and their Confluences: Dilemmas, actions and possibilities
    Vol. 13 No. 1 (2022)

    It is with great satisfaction that we present the Dossier “Human Rights, History and Confluences: dilemmas, actions and possibilities”. This volume of Mnemosine brings together an important international dialogue on the subject of Human Rights, coordinated by professors Dinaldo Barbosa da Silva Júnior and Cristina Rumbo Bonfil.
    The texts offer readers a rich epistemological debate on human rights, presenting research results and experiences from different countries, which portray the challenges for building a democratic society with rights. It remains clear that although countries present a legal framework in line with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international legal frameworks, which, in theory, would guarantee respect for these, the examples cited demonstrate different forms of their violation and denial.
    This volume attests to the need for a permanent struggle for rights, which necessarily involves building a culture of rights, as inspired by Maria Victoria Benevides, who states that education in Human Rights is essentially “the formation of a culture of respect for human dignity”. through the promotion and living of the values of freedom, justice, equality, solidarity, cooperation, tolerance and peace. Therefore, the formation of this culture means creating, influencing, sharing and consolidating mentalities, customs, attitudes, habits and behaviors that derive, all, from those aforementioned essential values – which must be transformed into practices.”
    Indeed, the Dossier points to important challenges to be overcome and the need for a collective and daily cultural construction for rights in different social fields, considering the needs and specificities of each country.

    Drª Fabrícia Montenegro- Universidade Federal da Paraíba

  • Marxism, a white man thing? Dialogues and confrontations between class, gender and race in the Marxist tradition
    Vol. 12 No. 2 (2021)

    The Marxism dossier, a white man thing? Dialogues and confrontations between class, gender and race in the Marxist tradition that we present to Revista Mnemosine was planned within the scope of the Marxism and Culture Research Group, created in 2017 by its coordinator, Prof. doctor Maurício Cardoso (DH/FFLCH/USP), in partnership with a variety of researchers from different regions of Brazil, white and black cis men, black and white cis women, LGBTQIAP+ people, Marxist intellectuals or not, affected and concerned about the contemporary social and, in particular, historiographical debates around issues of race, class and gender. Engaged in reflections about the decoloniality of knowledge, epistemicide, the need to question and transform the academic-university structure that, historically, prioritizes the reading of texts written by white men, mostly of European origin, the dossier was designed in collectively in order to materialize anti-racist, anti-sexist and anti-capitalist ideas and reflections that were being disseminated within the research group.

  • The Inquisition in focus, two centuries after its extinction: victims, victims and possibilities of analysis
    Vol. 12 No. 1 (2021)
    2021 marks the 200th anniversary of the end of the Portuguese Inquisition, an institution that
    throughout its 285 years of operation, started in 1536, believed itself responsible for
    ensuring Catholic purity, persecuting and prosecuting those who, in some sense, threatened
    the Church, whether in the kingdom or in its domains, extending beyond the metropolis, between
    the south of America and the confines of Asia. With the Catholic monopoly in the Portuguese
    world, each and every individual became subject to inquisitorial control. In Brazil, for
    example, the Santo Ofício acted by sending visits and creating, over time, a capillary network
    of representatives, such as family members and commissioners. If suspects of Judaism were
    the main victims, other behaviors considered to be deviant also filled the pages of
    confessions, complaints and proceedings of the Court of the Holy Office: bigamists,
    petitioners, deviant sexual behavior of all kinds, offenses and questioning of symbols and
    dogmas. Christians, magico-religious practices, in short: an extensive list of faults that,
    in the limit, put everyone (although some more than others) under suspicion.
  • Architecture, City and Documentation
    Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020)
    Understanding that to document is to record, to organize textual and graphic information about
    investigated objects, this dossier focuses on the documentation of architectural and urban
    research in Brazilian, French and Mexican cities - dialoguing variants of history, culture,
    architecture and city. Considering then, that the documentation is the sum of primary sources
    collected in private, public archives - composed of project materials, such as floor plans,
    sections, facades, perspectives, sketches, maps, graphs, photographs, original texts - and the
    material good itself built, be it a building, or a place - the purpose of this dossier is to
    present to the public interested in the theme, the ways in which these “objects” have been
    worked on, with regard to their preservation and conservation policies.
  • Educational Institutions
    Vol. 11 No. 1 (2020)

    Educational reforms, reports, yearbooks, minutes, record books, points books, foundation minutes, pedagogical magazines, newspapers, newsletters, notebooks, textbooks, planning forms, school notebooks, minutes of educational meetings, celebratory events, images , furniture, architecture ... How many sources are mapped to inquire about the history (s) of an institution, placed as a synonym and essence of education, like the school.

  • Colonial Policy and Administration
    Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019)
    The dossier that the Revista Mnemosine now presents has as its theme Politics and administration in the Kingdom and colonial Brazil aims to present a set of studies focused on a theme as old as it is current. Taking politics and administration in the modern
    period, it is intended to contemplate a variety of works with clippings distinct geographic
    and temporal features, presenting perspectives and analyzes with emphasis on the XVIIXVIII
    centuries. This time, the dossier gathers studies that intend to illuminate debates and
    reflections about the reinol and colonial administration in a plural way, thus expressing
    the multiplicity of studies, without never intend to exhaust the possibilities of analysis.
  • History and Environmental Sciences
    Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019)
    Departing from several problems, historiographical approaches to environmental issues began to
    have a presence in the 1970s, and soon became a field of research with coverage in several
    areas of knowledge. In Brazil, in 2011 the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education
    Personnel (CAPES) consolidated the inclusion of Environmental Sciences in its context and,
    recently, Environmental History has gained voice and space in this discussion. At our Federal
    University of Campina Grande there is a Master and Doctorate program in Natural Resources
    located in the Environmental Sciences Area that has progressively attracted more historians
    who are intertwining their work and training there. Two of the professors of our Graduate
    Program in History at UFCG, a geographer and a historian, are simultaneously effective
    professors of this Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences. Many of our graduates from the
    Masters in History finish their PhD training there. In Environmental Sciences, it is not
    enough to focus on the relationship between nature and culture, but the effort is to
    intertwine methods and contributions of different types of knowledge to address such a
    complex topic. It was with this movement in mind that we prepared this organized dossier
    whose theme is History and Environmental Sciences.
  • History and Environment: interdisciplinarities
    Vol. 9 No. 2 (2018)

    As abordagens historiográficas acerca de questões ambientais começaram a exercer presença na década de 1970, e logo se transformaram em um campo de pesquisa com abrangência em diversas áreas do conhecimento. No Brasil, em 2011 a Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) consolidou a inclusão das Ciências Ambientais em seu contexto e, recentemente, a História Ambiental vem ganhando voz e espaço nessa discussão.

  • Stories and experiences (between) crusades: on slavery, ethnic-racial relations and colonialism
    Vol. 9 No. 1 (2018)

    In Brazil, themes such as slavery, the African diaspora, colonialism and ethical-racial relations have already established themselves in investigations in the Humanities and, specifically, in historical studies. Currently, in history, numerous research agendas have been developed around these and other related topics, including: indigenous history, citizenship, education, religiosity, gender relations, social movements, identity and violence. Such thematic interrelationships have taken as an object not only the social relations established in our country, but in view of other spatial cuts, especially from America, Africa and Europe.

  • Teaching History, Memory and Cities
    Vol. 8 No. 4 (2017)
    This dossier expresses and emphasizes the plurality of sociability and sensitivities in the
    northeastern, northern, northern Rio Grande do Sul and the southeastern regions, more
    specifically, in Rio and at the international level, the urban experiences of Buenos Aires,
    with a look towards museums. This historiographic dive expands the investigative possibilities
    about cities and the teaching of local history, as well as inviting us to deepen the dialogue
    between teaching and research in the process of historical education in order to provoke in
    students the desire to read their cities and write other stories cities beyond the vertical
    city. Other readers, narrators, writers and listeners from the cities enter the scene de-
    hierarchizing who does and who tells the story, intertwining academic knowledge with
    experiential knowledge, giving way to the voices of fishermen, barbers, former residents,
    children, militants of urban social movements in order to affirm the polysemy of the text
    city in its varied temporalities and spatialities.
  • History and Correspondence
    Vol. 8 No. 3 (2017)
    The conception of this dossier arose from our interests in articulating History and
    Correspondence, as this is a field in which we have acted, as we consider it very useful
    for understanding Intellectual production. Field that has been widely practiced, especially
    contemporaneously, in the academy since the private collections of intellectuals who maintained
    the epistolary practice were made available. However, it should be noted that the epistolary
    practice can already be found in the societies of the ancient Near East, in Hellenic Greece,
    in the Roman empire, in the medieval Roman-Germanic, etc. There is undoubtedly a vast amount
    of documentation that is presented to the historian interested in producing private,
    intellectual, political biographies, among the many other dimensions that this type of
    source brings together.
  • History and history teaching
    Vol. 8 No. 2 (2017)
    The construction of this dossier follows different themes, temporalities and spatialities,
    however, it is guided by works that reflect on themes related to the cultural history of school
    institutions: reflecting on issues related to early childhood, professional and rural education;
    representations and daily practices school; identities and differences; construction of
    masculinities; disciplining bodies and gender relations.
  • History and languages
    Vol. 8 No. 1 (2017)
    The assumption that History is a multiple field, which embraces an infinite number of themes,
    as well as theoretical and methodological perspectives. And it is precisely this diversity and
    interdisciplinarity, as well as the intellectual and interpretative rigor, that are the marks
    that this dossier seeks to bring to its readers. For this reason, in addition to the main axis
    “History and Languages”, there is something broader here, which is the relationship between
    culture and man, in different periods and spaces. In a dossier that presents itself with a
    wide range of themes in the area of ​​languages ​​and human culture in its articles, it still
    stands out, amidst theatrical, cinematographic and imagery studies in general, the
    valorization precisely of the image itself, for beyond the text itself.
  • Cultural Heritage and History Teaching
    Vol. 7 No. 4 (2016)
    This dossier brings together articles that reflect on the practices of memory and learning
    from history. Texts that intend to understand the potential of working with threads of memory
    woven by symbolic disputes, in which forgetfulness gestures, remembrance exercises and
    educational intentions are present. It is linked to the studies that configure the different
    formative spaces that interpret the lived through material culture and that proposes to analyze
    subjects ignored by a canonical and triumphalistic historical narrative.
  • Protestant Confessional Education in Brazil
    Vol. 7 No. 3 (2016)
    This dossier brought together eight articles by researchers and scholars, from different regions
    of Brazil, who have investigated different aspects of this particularity of Brazilian
    education, reviewing concepts and presenting new perspectives for analysis; questioning
    practices and discourses that are not always clear in the interactions between churches and
    schools. They are educators, historians, pedagogues, sociologists and theologians who present
    their contributions to the reflection of this modality of school understood in its interface
    with religious, gender, political and cultural issues. The relevance of these studies can be
    seen in the diversity of sources used for the preparation of articles. The dossier contains
    contributions from educational activities developed by Methodists, Baptists, Presbyterians
    and Assemblies in Brazil in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and from the Czech
    religious group called Hussites, in the 16th century.
  • Africa and Brazil: Health, society and environment (15th-21st centuries)
    Vol. 7 No. 2 (2016)
    The thematic dossier Africa and Brazil: health, society and the environment (18th-21st centuries)
    brought together articles and reviews containing information, descriptions and analyzes
    resulting from research and studies related to Brazil and Africa, particularly the African
    countries with Portuguese as an official language: Angola, Cape Verde and Mozambique.
    The present dossier contemplates analysis and interpretation of the health, social and
    environmental realities in Africa and Brazil.
  • Indigenous History in Contemporaneity: Interdisciplinary dialogues and collaborative research
    Vol. 7 No. 1 (2016)
    The texts that make up the Dossier are significant contributions to thinking about the Indians
    in the History of Brazil,particularly in the Northeast. And they are of equal importance when
    also thought about perspective of the questions caused by the demands for the enforcement of
    Law 11,645 / 2008, which determined in Basic Education the inclusion of the teaching of the
    history and cultures of indigenous peoples, with the claimed absence of subsidies on the
  • Americanities
    Vol. 6 No. 4 (2015)
    Revista Mnemosine goes public in 2015.4 with the theme of Americanity in its pages. Reflecting on America today is a fundamental task for social scientists, a time when another one of those so-called “global” economic crises hits us with its particularities, but also with its generalities, becoming, as almost always, political and social. The authors were completely free to to treat the theme in a very broad way, without limitations of specific themes within this generality, as we believe that only creativity and free thinking can help us in these difficult time
  • Urbanities
    Vol. 6 No. 3 (2015)

    This Thematic Dossier arrives in good time, which meets two requirements: on the one hand, for the purpose of maintaining the periodicity of Revista Mnemosine and, on the other, to create a reflection channel around academic studies on the urban, a field that has been gaining more and more strength within the historian community and that occupies a guaranteed place in Brazilian historiography these days.

  • History, body and health
    Vol. 6 No. 2 (2015)
    This special dossier of the Mnemosine Magazine was organized with the objective of traversing stories, broadening perceptions by gathering academic works that intertwine “History, Body and Health”, interconnecting them to cultural practices produced in different times and spaces. Going beyond aspects that naturalize and essentialize the experiences with the body and health, gathering researches that operationalized various sources and that, by cutting different temporalities and objects, the articles were positioned taking into account some possible approximations.
  • Books & Readings
    Vol. 6 No. 1 (2015)
    Along with two ways of accessing texts - printed or digital - there are readers and researchers
    who print the texts online to read them on paper. Whatever your predilection, texts of the dossier that you - readers of Mnemosine magazine - will have access to, below,
    were written by reader-interpreters who came to libraries in the challenge of writing, after
    turning over their collections in search of answers to their concerns and research questions.
  • Protestantism and the Military Regime in Brazil
    Vol. 5 No. Especial (2014)
    With this Special Issue, Mnemosine Magazine inaugurates a new stage in its trajectory and its
    editorial line. By decision of its Editorial Board and the Graduate Program in History, in
    addition to the its two regular annual numbers, special numbers will be published each year.
  • Territorialities and Borders
    Vol. 5 No. 2 (2014)
    In this volume 05, Nº 2, JUL / DEC 2014, we present to the readers of Mnemosine Magazine the
    Dossier Territories and Borders, a collection with articles that address different
    appropriations of the concept of Territory and Border, where the territory can be thought
    and elaborated according to the study / research objectives trying to incorporate the multiple temporality of the objects studied, as well as multiple
    understandings of the idea of ​​frontier and territoriality.          
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