Public Call - Thematic Dossier Proposal for Mnemosine Magazine – UFCG - Dossiê 2023.1


Histories of Education in Northern Brazil
The field of study of the history of education deals with the various forms and processes of teaching and learning that have developed throughout history and human cultures. Education can be understood as a social, political, economic and cultural phenomenon that expresses the values, beliefs and needs of each society. In this sense, the history of education is an interdisciplinary field that dialogues with other areas of knowledge and that contributes to the understanding and transformation of the educational reality.
The historian of education, as a scientist, must develop a critical and analytical perspective to understand the multiple dimensions that constitute the educational phenomenon over time. In this sense, it must pay attention to permanencies and changes, voices and silences, ideals and realities, explicit and implicit, inventions and adaptations, a whole set of signs that open new horizons for writing and past reading. For this, regardless of the historical thought adopted by each professional, historians of education need to be aware of how the process that involves the historiographical operation is configured, which, in turn, refers to a social place, a practice and the a writing. Based on these assumptions, knowledge is built focused on the field of History of Education, which is characterized as a field.
The articles in this dossier aim to discuss the problems and possibilities of the history of education as a field of research, teaching and social intervention, considering the political, economic, cultural and environmental scenarios that characterize the current context. Articles should reflect on the sources, methods, theories and narratives that underlie the historiographic production on education, as well as on the relationships between the history of education and other areas of knowledge.