Vol. 10 No. 1 (2019): History and Environmental Sciences
Departing from several problems, historiographical approaches to environmental issues began to
have a presence in the 1970s, and soon became a field of research with coverage in several
areas of knowledge. In Brazil, in 2011 the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education
Personnel (CAPES) consolidated the inclusion of Environmental Sciences in its context and,
recently, Environmental History has gained voice and space in this discussion. At our Federal
University of Campina Grande there is a Master and Doctorate program in Natural Resources
located in the Environmental Sciences Area that has progressively attracted more historians
who are intertwining their work and training there. Two of the professors of our Graduate
Program in History at UFCG, a geographer and a historian, are simultaneously effective
professors of this Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences. Many of our graduates from the
Masters in History finish their PhD training there. In Environmental Sciences, it is not
enough to focus on the relationship between nature and culture, but the effort is to
intertwine methods and contributions of different types of knowledge to address such a
complex topic. It was with this movement in mind that we prepared this organized dossier
whose theme is History and Environmental Sciences.
have a presence in the 1970s, and soon became a field of research with coverage in several
areas of knowledge. In Brazil, in 2011 the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education
Personnel (CAPES) consolidated the inclusion of Environmental Sciences in its context and,
recently, Environmental History has gained voice and space in this discussion. At our Federal
University of Campina Grande there is a Master and Doctorate program in Natural Resources
located in the Environmental Sciences Area that has progressively attracted more historians
who are intertwining their work and training there. Two of the professors of our Graduate
Program in History at UFCG, a geographer and a historian, are simultaneously effective
professors of this Graduate Program in Environmental Sciences. Many of our graduates from the
Masters in History finish their PhD training there. In Environmental Sciences, it is not
enough to focus on the relationship between nature and culture, but the effort is to
intertwine methods and contributions of different types of knowledge to address such a
complex topic. It was with this movement in mind that we prepared this organized dossier
whose theme is History and Environmental Sciences.