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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".

  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice or RTF format.
  • URLs for referrals were provided when possible.
  • The minimum degree required to publish in Mnemosine for Authors must be a Master provided that he is accompanied by a Doctor or Doctoral Student, each article with a maximum of five authors
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in
    Guidelines for Authors
    , on the page About the Journal.

Author Guidelines

LINK Mnemosine Magazine only accepts articles

Mnemosine Magazine only accepts articles, reviews and publication of unpublished historical documents whose minimum title of the author is a doctor or doctoral student. Master's student articles are accepted when he is co-author with the Doctor.

Collaborations must follow the following specifications:

1. Articles can be written in Portuguese, English, French and Spanish and must have 15 to 25 pages (including bibliographic references, notes, tables, graphs and illustrations), in 1.5-point spacing, with 12-point Times New Roman points, with citations in 11 points and notes in 10 points, typed in Microsoft Word version or compatible. System called author, date, page for quotes within the text. Bibliographic references at the end of the article according to the ABNT in force.
2. Articles must have a title, abstract and five keywords, in Portuguese or in the language of the text and in English. The abstract must be written analytically, presenting the objectives of the article, its content and results, and have a maximum of 150 words.
3. Reviews must have between 6 and 12 pages. Only book reviews that have been published, in Brazil or abroad, in the two years preceding the date of submission will be accepted. The complete reference of the commented book (author, title of the work, place of publication and year of edition) must be written on the first page, at the top. A title must be inserted in the review.
4. Analysis of unpublished historical documents with their full publication must not exceed 20 pages containing the title, author of the documentary analysis and its institutional link.
5. Every collaboration must be presented in its final and complete version, with no exchange of the file permitted after the beginning of the evaluation or editorial production process. Amendments, if necessary, only after the opinions have been issued.
6. Each author can only have one article or review in the evaluation process, that is, between the beginning of the submission and its final publication. There is also a two-year gap for the author to submit a new contribution to Mnemosine Magazine.
7. The names and data of the authors must not appear in the collaboration. Information containing the full name of the author (s), postal and electronic address, telephone, institutional affiliation, registration number on the Orcid platform and academic titles should be informed on the registration page. It is also necessary to indicate whether the article received funding.


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Privacy Statement

It is understood that all authors of an article submitted for online publication in the electronic journal Mnemosine - if approved - accept the conditions of copyright in the following terms:

"The author (s) authorize the electronic magazine Mnemosine to publish the article of my (our) authorship / responsibility, if accepted for online publication. I declare (s) that this contribution is original, that is not being submitted to another publisher for publication and that the copyright on it has not previously been assigned to another person, whether physical or legal. I declare that I transfer the electronic magazine Mnemosine the right to publish online, and cannot claim at any time or under any pretext, any remuneration or indemnity, in whatever capacity, for online publication. "